

Our Mission

We exist to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, live by His example, and joyfully share His love and Bible-based teachings with others. (Matt 28:18-20Acts 1:8Rev 14:6-12).

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Our Vision

In harmony with Bible revelation, we see as the climax of God’s plan the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.


Our Method

Guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, we pursue our mission through Christ-like living, communicating, discipling, teaching, healing, and serving.



Our Worship Times

Services are held in the main sanctuary. 

Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:30 AM
Divine Worship (Saturday) 10:40 AM

We worship on the seventh day Sabbath in keeping with the divine example at the end of creation week, the fourth commandment, and the custom of Jesus as followed by the early church.  Our services are held in the main sanctuary.


Current Bulletin


Worship Schedule



Cheyenne SDA Church

723 Storey Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82009-3557


Head Elder

Tom Cowan
(307) 421-5854


Requests for Financial Assistance

All requests for financial assistance should be directed to: 

Comea Shelter (307) 632-3174


Laura E Mason Christian Academy

Our K-8 School


Relocating to Cheyenne

City of Cheyenne >
WY Relocation Services >